Embrace it. Nurture it. Support it.
Consider making a donation to the DCNEO Annual Fund Today.
Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio contributes to our communities by educating our youth and providing them with the necessary skillset to break down social barriers, learn about honor and respect, treat others carefully, improve self confidence, communicate and cooperate, and accept others even if they are different. Your investment in Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio is also an investment in our local children, schools and communities.
We do not, and cannot, do it alone. We need you to continue to be a part of our story.
Click here to make your gift today.
Annual Fund Donor Levels:
Merengue Partner ($1 - $249)
Foxtrot Partner ($250 - $499)
Rumba Partner ($500 - $999)
Swing Society ($1,000 - $2,499)
Tango Society ($2,500 - $4,999)
Waltz Society ($5,000 and up)
Let us do the work!
A small monthly gift will make a meaningful difference in the lives of those whom our program serves. Whether your gifts are given annually, quarterly, or monthly, they have a significant impact on our program. A sample of recurring gift amounts to consider:
Annual Gift = Quarterly Monthly
$250 $63 $21
$500 $125 $42
$750 $188 $63
$2,500 $625 $208
To make a one-time donation to Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio's Annual Fund click here.
To make a recurring monthly or quarterly gift to the Annual Fund, please contact Jo Jo Carcioppolo at 440-230-5170 or by email at jojo@dancingclassroomsneo.org.
You can download the Annual Fund form and return it by email (scan) or mail.
For more information regarding the Annual Fund, please call 440-230-5170